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Wednesday - 20/2/2019
Think "Hedley", think majestic. A) Skill Prac! B) AMRAP 22: 400m Sandbag Run 3 Rope Climbs 20 Sandbag Squats

Tuesday - 19/2/2019
The before/after from the Sausage Mile a couple weeks back. Everyone got there in the end! More or less 😅 Tomorrow: A) Bent-Over Row...

Monday - 18/2/2019
A) Squats B) We row!

Saturday - 16/2/2019
The faces of fitness! Thanks Chrystian for catching these precious moments 😅 Tomorrow, In Pairs: Run, Deadlift, Rope Climb

Friday - 15/2/2019
Mother-Daughter Dynamic Duo! Tomorrow: Row & Press

Thursday - 14/2/2019
Jordanne, Hannah, Natasha, & Ashleigh "Yeah, hold that end, it'll look super functional!" Front Squat 8-8-8-8-8
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