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BIG SKILL Tuesday - 22/1/2019
There is ample frustration in this workout for everyone :D Some things you'll find easy, some butt kickers. Pick 1 butt kicker you're...

Maul Monday #3 - 21/1/2019
A) Squats B) AMRAP 7: 5 Front Squats 50/35Kg 15 Push Ups

Saturday - 19/1/2019
Y'all see the same timelapse that we see? Darcy is always quick to get set up for a workout (or a watch-out) alongside Dad. I don't...

🎊🥳🥳🎉 Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3 Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 Tabata Shuttles

Thursday - 17/1/2019
Here's some of wee baby Martin from the past couple months. Looks like he's loving having G-Ma & G-Pa living down there now, so many...

Wednesday - 16/1/2019
Ash's secret to her smooth double unders: Helium. #theMoreYouKnow SKILLS: Strict Pull Ups & Muscle Ups AMRAP 20: Dubs, Sumo Deads,...
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