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Tuesday - 8/1/2019
Don't mind Tonya, just busting out push ups like it ain't no thang. 2019 already 7 days in, whatever the thing is you want to look back...

Maul Monday #1 - 7/1/2019
A) Overhead Squat Triples B) Team Row

STRONGMAN Saturday - 5/1/2019
In Teams, 5 RFT: 20 Deadball Over Bar 65/45Kg 800m Row 40m Tire Carry 800m Run (200s) Bigger the teams, the better. Plenty of work to...

Friday - 4/1/19
Couple fun activities this month! Sat 19th the body scanner is coming, see the sign-up sheet near the fridge. They'll come back in a few...

Thursday - 3/1/19
For Time: 30 Front Squats 50/35Kg 90 Double Unders 30 V-Ups 90 Double Unders 30 Wall Balls 9/6Kg 90 Double Under 30 Sit-Ups

Wednesday - 2/1/19
Back to business as usual! Classes on from 0530. Weightlifting team is back TONIGHT, be in at 6pm for warmup with lifting starting at...
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