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Tuesday - 4/12/18
Collins took out the coveted "2018 Hard As Nails" at our Xmas party/awards night on Saturday. 2 x AMRAPs: Burps - Jerks - Chins

Monday 03/12/18
GRINNERS ARE WINNERS! (Tonya & Steve) All of December we're going to use the rowers to build MAX MARATHON ROWS! When you've done some...

SATURDAY 01/12/2018
Hard work.

Friday 30/11/2018
We started November with Natasha​ doing a back squat and here we are, a BLINK OF AN EYE later and we're about to strut in to DECEMBER!...

Thursday 29/11/2018
So many first climbs last month! Rhiannon, Jayden, Tonya, Hannah, Dayne, and Felicity with the weighted vest!!! AMRAP 1, Pull ups & HS...

Wednesday 28/11/2018
Hedz Press 3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP 6: @ Heaviest Press Kg 6 Deads 6 Shoulder To Overhead
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