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Tuesday 20/11/2018
How lucky is Rhiannon! First time doing thrusters and it's DEATH BY 😂😂😂 EMOM 20: 1 Clean & Jerk

Monday 19/11/2018
Sorry Hedley, I needed you-looking-slack to finish the long wall! 4 RFT: 400m Run 15 Ring Dips 10 Burpees 5 Strict HSPU

Saturday 17/11/2018
Good guy Dave just wanted to drop-in from Canberra, he lucked UP when it was 10 rounds of wall balls, pull ups, running, and "workout...

Friday 16/11/2018
Tonya, Larissa, and their "opinions". 6 RFT: 12 Wall Balls 9/6Kg 8 Pull Ups

Thursday 15/11/2018
Beth & Tiah, 5:30AM, always. Because they have shit to do. AMRAP 20: 20 KB Swings 24/16Kg 5 KB STO Right 5 KB STO Left 200m Suitcase...

Wednesday 14/11/2018
Three Rounds: E2MOM 6: 4 x Push Jerk & 4 OH Lunge
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