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Tuesday 13/11/2018
Murray & Jason, bloody larrikins 😂😂 EMOM of Turkish Get-Ups AMRAP with skipping and burps

Monday 12/11/2018
"You hate to see the space Mark occupied go vacant," the senior chief said. "Badger" 3 RFT: 30 Squat Cleans 42.5/30Kg 30 Pull Ups ...

Friday 9/11/2018
Before Tahiti, there were Front Squats.... Janis & Tiah Pause Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP: Squats & Burps

Thursday 8/11/2018
With all these complexes you'd think we'd just start a weightlifting club... Complex: 1 Press, 3 Push Press, 5 Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

Wednesday 7/11/2018
"Oh you're trying to get your workout in? It'd be a shame if someone were to STEAL ALL THE ABMATS!" AMRAPs, runnnig, and abs.

Tuesday 6/11/2018
Jordanne, Tiah, Marni, Jason, Mad Man Matt, Ruby, & Tonya Go you good things! Complex: 2-2-2-2-2 1 Paused Snatch 1 Paused Hang Snatch...
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