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Monday 8/10/2018
"Fart-Ups" with Ashleigh Snatch Sets Clean & Jerk Sets

Saturday 6/10/2018
10 Rounds: Wall Balls - Pull Ups - Running

Friday 5/10/2018
Tomorrow: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5 Weighted Pull Ups: 3-3-3-3-3 Tabata something...

Thursday 4/10/2018
Toni has been working on her squat for almost a year. Comes in, puts in the work, improves. Simples. Onya Tone, great discipline!...

Wednesday 3/10/2018
What you doing in that rest minute? WELL! Great questions. You're going to recover slightly, giving you the confidence to hit the next...

Tuesday 2/10/2018
Murray, Steve, and Craig putting their..... BEST FOOT FORWARD 🤪🤣😁😅 Tomorrow: Barbell: Push Press AMRAP: Burps, Pull Up, Skwats
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