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Monday - 24/9/2018
Deadlift 5-5-3-3-2-2-2 Deadlifts are hard. They're the heaviest thing most people will ever do (other than carrying the world on those...

Saturday - 22/9/2018
Frank had his little foster pup in the other week. It was as popular as chalk on a pull up bar. After Frank had to hand it back, guess...

Friday - 21/9/2018
It all flows, man! Imagine someone you think is a complete MONK in the gym, never cheating a single rep, never dropping their gear,...

Thursday - 20/9/2018
That's my brother, Pat, and my mum. Pat's been in Canada almost 2 years and no one from the family has been for a visit (sorry Pat, it's...

Wednesday - 19/9/2018
Doesn't take much space to get the work done! Or much time, or much fitness! There's always a way to move forward. Busted shoulder? Do...

Tuesday - 18/9/2018
If at LEAST one of these movements doesn't give you this facial expression then I envy you, big time! For me it's the HSPU, those things,...
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