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Monday - 17/9/2018
This is a helpful video for beard inspiration. Also, squatting.

Saturday - 15/9/2018
Today: "Fitness" One of the early CrossFit mantra's was "Unknown & Unknowable". While its not so much the case these days, it's fun AND...

Friday - 14/9/2018
Bench & Weighted pull ups! One of my favourite moves, and bench press :D With a push-pull combo like this most folks will be better at...

Thursday - 13/9/2018
Ash with the 0530 M&D crew! Kyra - Christine - Beth - Marni - Sophie - Tiah 3 mums, 4 daughters, 2 sisters, & 2 cousins. 21-15-9 Power...

Wednesday - 12/9/2018
These sets can take 60 - 90 seconds, that's a loooong time for your brain to come up reasons to drop the bar. Your call. Thrusters: 20-20-20

Tuesday - 11/9/2018
Safety, a Top 5 Priority! Running out on the street at any time of day is always a risk, like driving on the road, or walking to get your...
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