The Team

My favourite part about fitness is feeling strong and powerful as a woman. I want to be able to show other woman that it’s way more than okay to have muscle and strength. I’m not talking just about the physical stuff here, it’s the mental toughness too! Something that I believe a lot of people, both men and women lack is confidence. We all need challenges and goals to help us grow, and that will then give you confidence, especially when you achieve them.
I’ve been a strong competitor all my life through sport and dance and that’s where a lot of my determination comes from. My younger brother and I used to race each other in triathlons from home and he would usually win (I was scared on the bike) but I knew I could beat him so we would keep going until I won haha.
Fitness is about getting in and giving it your best go, creating a better life for you and the people around you. We take for granted the things we have and what our bodies can do, they're amazing. Imagine being able to do that for most of your life, not just the young years. I’m not saying everyone has to be elite athletes, but be the best you!
I started CrossFit in August 2016 and loved it from day one! Heck yeh it’s tough and you are constantly faced with new challenges but everyone is always there to support you. If you are looking for community then you have come to the right place! We are all a team and Larrikins we will be!


My favourite part about fitness is seeing the smiles on peoples face when they complete something they did not think was possible. To see them realise that with a little bit of help they can smash any goal they put their mind to makes the high-5’s that much more enjoyable.
I come from a 13year military background where I started at 17, fitness was essential in making my career easier to avoid any unwanted/unexpected injuries. I have now moved on from the military to focus on the things I love which are my children and the great outdoors. I am also a trek leader and have walked thousands of kilometres over Kokoda, Larapinta and Mt Everest base camp, with many more on my to do list.
One of my favourite roles at Larrikins is working with the Little Larrikins kids classes, seeing their fitness story progress; and finding how to make staying active fun for them.

I started CrossFit in 2018 while looking to fill a hole in not only my exercise regime but a sense of community that was left void after moving on from a long term career in Defence. Never would I have thought that a couple years down the track I’d be on the other side helping people get after it.
My favourite part about fitness is watching people dig deep and push themselves to limits they never knew existed, and seeing them harness this to grow and evolve over their fitness journey. Whether it’s being able to keep up with your kids a bit easier or hitting that long sought after 1RM, the sense of accomplishment and the positive flow on effects fitness has on peoples everyday lives is second to none.

My favourite part about fitness is seeing new folks work their way along the highway of fitness. From push-ups on your bedroom floor to running a Spartan Race, to joining up to a CrossFit gym, to who knows what! People are SO much stronger than they think. If someone comes in with a decent attitude anything can be trained. Want to be stronger? Yep. Want to have more endurance? Yep. Want to be taller? Sure, why not!
I was fitnessing with long, slow distance before I got pulled in to my first CrossFit gym (thanks, Loz). At a charming 59kg, I had work to do! That was in 2013 and it's been barbells & fun ever since!